domingo, setembro 13, 2009

Com que então isto tem nome: pop evangelical psychology

Another group of popular writers who address health issues has emerged among evangelical Protestants as a result of the growing industry of Christian counseling. These Christian writers have produced many practical guidebooks and self-help manuals. They include Tim LaHaye (How to Win over Depression, 1974), Bruce Larson (Living on the Growing Edge, 1968), David Seamands (Healing for Damaged Emotions, 1983), and Robert Schuller (Tough Times Never Last, but Tough Peole Do!, 1983). These Christian writers provide an interesting mix of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, positive thinking, and practical suggestions based on the Bible, an approach that has become known as pop evangelical psychology.

Koening, H., McCullough, M., Larson, D. (2001) Handbook of religion and health. London: Oxford

Será que o Doctor Phil é pop evangelical psychology?

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