domingo, agosto 16, 2009

Música de ir embora

The news is all good
And I'm flying higher
I'm back on my own

Don't worry about me
I got no more baggage
Threw all my old things away

I got your letter
Thanks for the offer
I really don't need a thing
Open the door in front of me

The sun is now shining down on me
Meet me as soon as you can
Bring me the money you owe for me
Taking my head out of the sand

Oh, maybe I'll go see the world
There's plenty of places to see
Voices I never have heard
Look at the way it ought to be

Oh, I'm all alone
Oh, I'm all alone
I know you're still listening to me
Isn't a lot as far as I see

1 comentário:

caps locker disse...

tá fixe. bring me the money you owe for me traz practibilidade (existe?) à coisa, tipo a coisa é a sério, não é uma merda etérea que ele se lembrou nas nuvens ou no carrocel.